Please Read These

Note Season 3 rules have 15 sections including how the game works, all competition rules and how we use data.

By clicking the I AGREE TO SEASON 3 RULES button above, you consent to the rules below and can then register.

You can question them or we can change them. Either way, we'll show an amendment here highlighting what's changed.

Do You Agree?
What If They Change?

Season 3 2025/26 Rules

First Amendment 01/02/2025

Expected Confirmation 28/07/2025


1 Format

2 Costs and Prizes

3 Player Numbers

4 Rules Of Play

5 Sub Link

6 Reminders

7 Fixtures, Submissions and Predictions

8 The Board

9 Summer Tournament

10 Stewards Enquiries

11 Cup Competition Rules

12 League and Cup Table Orders

13 Card System

14 Promotion beyond and associated web site and social platform media

15 Any Other Business


1 Format

There will be one (1) league, four (4) cup competitions, one (1) summer tournament and two (2) holiday breaks.

Every week either the league, a cup competition, international break or Christmas/Easter break will be in progress. Christmas and Easter Break events do not make up the regular season and regular players are not expected to play in them, but can should they wish.

The scheduled week dates are subject to change depending upon real fixtures.

The 1 week Super Cup kicks off the season in August and this is followed by the regular season which includes all 32 league weeks and the other 3 cup weeks which is made up of the League Cup, FA Cup and Champions Cup Finals which will be weekly competitions which take place when the regular English League Cup and FA Cup Finals take place and when the UEFA Champions League takes place. There will be 4 weeks alongside this format for international breaks, which determine who qualifies for the 2026 World Cup Great Eight. Regular season players are expected to compete in these international breaks to qualify for the summer tournament, but with 48 places available in the summer tournament, if less players compete in the regular league, other players from the Christmas/Easter tournaments will be invited to play. Play Off Matches may be required to determine the final 48 competitors. See section 9 for more details and entry requirements may be subject to change.

2 Costs and Prizes

Season 3 will be free to enter for all players and anyone will be able to join any Season 3 competition at any point prior to its commencement after the initial Season 3 deadline...i.e. players can only register and play prior to the submission deadline. Whilst this includes the summer tournament, only players who have qualified through the four (4) international breaks for that tournament will have first invites. The exception is The Platinum League where new layers can register at any time to compete in it.

Affiliate merchandise and partner links plus sponsorship will therefore cover costs for prizes, additional home delivered trophies, admin costs and Daniel's time and any other expenses.

A trophy will be delivered to the winner of each of the following competitions, or if agreed with the player, a prize of equal value delivered to them electronically or a donation of equal value made to charity.

Platinum League Champion

The Platinum League winner can also receive a multi-pack of the beverage of their choice, or prize of equal value equivalent to their location or they can also donate their prize value to charity. They can take any part of the prize they wish and also make the remaining part a charity donation.

Super Cup Winner

League Cup Winner

FA Cup Winner

Champions Cup Winner


Summer Tournament Winner

The Summer Tournament winner will receive the Summer Tournament Trophy. If they wish they can also donate the delivery costs to charity as we do wish to engrave this trophy with winner details every year.

It is a tradition this trophy is returned by the previous winner every year. In the event the trophy is not returned when requested, we may consider invoicing the previous winner to finance the cost of the production of a replica. We will make sure every winner's costs for returning the trophy are reimbursed. Summer tournament winners will be notified of the process at the time and will be initially contacted through their registered contact information, or eventually by post.

The Christmas and Easter Break competitions will award vouchers to the winner electronically or the player can opt to make an equivalent value charity donation.

A PG8 virtual Prize Giving Ceremony is also expected to take place the week commencing Mon 27 Jul 2026, to coincide with a final promotion for Season 4, expected to start the following weekend. This ceremony will also include an announcement on the final tally for our Season 3 charity donation.

3 Player Numbers

At the moment we have decided that The Platinum League can have an unlimited number of players. However, as it may require additional cost for mailing list notifications and admin, you may see additional affiliate links, advertising and sponsorship to cover any cost shortfall.

4 Rules Of Play

League - We pick 8 games, you pick 8 game outcomes between home win, away win or draw (1 point for each). See section 12 of these rules for League Order which will determine how places are calculated. We may consider play off matches in the event a place can't be determined after all league order criteria have been considered. From time to time we may also add additional criteria.

Cups - Again we pick 8 games, you pick 8 game outcomes (1 point for each). The matches will be made up of a featured match for the round, i.e. UEFA Super Cup, English League Cup Final, English FA Cup Final, UEFA Champions League Final etc, with the other 7 matches being any other in the world. Each player is also drawn a home or away team for the round to determine the winner in the event of a tie. Half of the number of players who have submitted an entry for a cup competition will be drawn the home team, half the away team, with those being drawn the team most likely to win the featured match of the round being those highest placed in the league. From time to time we may also add additional criteria or change the criteria which determines drawn teams chosen. Note drawn teams will only be considered in cup competitions to determine ties between 1st and 2nd (or all positions 2nd and below who are tied with 1st).

Note that in the event a match is postponed, results will simply be allocated when the match is rescheduled, assuming the match takes place at a time before the competition's due end date. If it is impossible to ensure the matches' result can determine a competition outcome, we will choose another match to substitute the postponed match. We will definitely do this should the match be abandoned.

If any player fails to submit a valid entry for any competition, excluding Christmas and Easter Break competitions, for 3 consecutive weeks in a row, they will receive an official yellow card. This will be recorded on the corresponding table for the competition during which the offence was picked up. If the same player fails to submit a valid entry for a further three (3) more weeks in succession, they will receive an official red card, again recorded on the corresponding competition table. This will result in a 10 points deduction penalty applied to the competition in which they picked up the red card.

Players can also email requesting a BLUE CARD break and in their email should specify the number of weeks they would like their break to last. When they are ready to return, they can resume playing by submitting an entry in the normal way. But if this is after the number of weeks they have specified, the card rules will still apply. We know life can throw things up sometimes and the BLUE card system is designed to ensure you don't pick up cards when you need that break.

We've also considered the card system in regards to currently banned players and have decided to remove the term requiring the banned players requiring approval to compete again.

5 Sub Link

The official sub link form will be available permanently at and will be the only place where players can submit their entries every week. Whether your reminder is in an email, or on a Whatsapp, or wherever it is, it will always refer you to and be at this site, so please bookmark it.

It is also expected that we will gradually wind down our current workplace Slack Channel as the game becomes more commercial and open to everyone.

We have selected ZOHO FORMS as our preferred form partner given its cost is approximately a third of our current provider. We thank TYPEFORM for making our first 2 seasons possible. Our TYPEFORMS will be gradually phased out prior to our contract expiry with them in September 2025, with our ZOHO FORMS contract starting in February 2025 after successful trials.

Registered Season 3 players are expected to submit entries via our ZOHO FORMS accessed from our page for all Season 3 competition weeks include the league, all cup competitions, the summer tournament and it's qualifying rounds. Christmas and Easter Break sub-links will also appear here and those competitions are open to everyone whether registered for Season 3 or not.

6 Reminders

During Season 3, all registered players at the beginning of the season (or as and when they register throughout the season) can either opt in or out of what will become our official email list and Whatsapp Group.

They should consider these will be the only places where we'll post reminders and refer to our sub-link, but the sub-link will always be available at this site, so please bookmark it.

Should you wish to opt in to the email list, we recommend a non work email, but you just need to sure you can receive email. You will receive a welcome email upon registration and you can check this email doesn't fall into your SPAM folder or JUNK mail. If you do not receive this email, please let us know.

For Season 3 all players will receive an email after the July 2025 registration deadline with details of how to play, how to opt in to our email list and Whatsapp Group and everything else you need. We ask players to consider where they will get reminders should they be unable to access their work email for any reason.

Note some competitions, such as Christmas and Easter Trophies, will likely have separate mail list and Whatsapp Groups, potentially to avoid confusion but this will be decided on an ad hoc basis.

Also note throughout the season if you have opted out of a mailing list or Whatsapp Group, you can rejoin should you wish. Consider that all of our Whatsapp Groups at present, whilst may contain encrypted messages, share phone numbers with other users. Please email if you have issues with other users.

7 Fixtures, Submissions and Predictions

Whilst PG8 will decide fixtures potentially up to one month in advance, to avoid confusion, only one (1) sub-link form will be made available on a weekly basis, usually anytime Monday to Wednesday, prior to any competition deadline. As a general rule, submission deadlines will be Saturday 11am UK Time, unless otherwise stated. Multiple sub-links may be made available when if logistically impossible otherwise. Christmas and Easter Break sub-links will be made available as and when required.

All fixtures will now be chosen entirely by Daniel Prescott and PG8.

All game predictions require a submission of home win, away win or draw and could include league and cup matches from any football competition. Unless otherwise stated, the prediction required is for the match result after 90 minutes + injury time. Although note for cup competitions, whilst the requirement is the same for each game, drawn team results will be determined by the match winner, including extra time and penalties where appropriate.

Summer Tournament fixtures, sub-links and prediction rules generally will be published separately, however, qualifying rounds for that competition will be based on the rules above.

Note again that we have changed the weekly deadline for submissions, which from Season 3 onwards will be Saturdays 11am UK Time. This means the majority if not all fixtures will take place in the proceeding 48 hours.

8 The Board

Daniel Prescott and PG8 now constitute our Board.

Our duties extend to the entire running of this competition.

We thank previous Board Members for their commitment to this game and hope they can now play the game without the added burden of board responsibility.

What this does mean for PG8 is that if we have a tough decision to make and we feel secondary input is required, we will simply put the VOTE to our players in a weekly sub-link. Or possibly separate poll. Either way we'll let you know. Most likely this will be to ensure we gain your feedback regarding the development of Season 4.

9 Summer Tournament

Season 3's Summer Tournament will be based around the Men's FIFA 2026 World Cup. The competition will have 48 places available although competition format could be determined by the number of players who actually enter.

Qualification will be possible through the following methods...

1) Participation in 4 qualifying rounds which take place throughout the regular season and then accepting an invite.

A maximum of 16 players will qualify through this route.

2) Registering for the competition upon its launch and then accepting an invite.

Up to 32 further players can qualify though this route.

Qualifying through either route may still require play off matches to determine who actually qualifies.

Note all players, through whichever route they have qualified, will need to accept a tournament invite prior to competing.

This is to help ensure only active players compete in the tournament.

The competition will have one (1) group phase and one (1) knock out phase.

Players will predict points in the group phase for the groups in which they are placed through a draw. The team(s) they are allocated in this draw will be higher seeded teams for those players who qualified through route 1 and accepted an invite. Lower seeded teams will be allocated to those players who either failed to qualify through route 1 or registered and accepted an invite through route 2.

Players who did not qualify through Route 1, will receive invites to compete once initial qualifiers through Route 1 have accepted their invites. After that the tournament will be opened up to those registering through Route 2. Further invites may still become available after that.

In the event there are to many players registered for the competition, PG8 will determine who qualifies based on a player's general performance throughout Season 3, who has accepted invites and extra play off matches if required. Route 1 qualifiers will be the first group invited to compete.

Those players who fail all the entry criteria, may still be allowed to play, but on the basis their predictions will not be eligible for group phase or knock out points.

We will publish the full rules of the summer tournament following the conclusion of the 4th qualifying round expected to take place in March 2026. We will also publish Route 1 qualifying rules prior to the commencement of the first qualifying round in September.

Our 2024 Euro Super 7 winner will also be contacted following the conclusion of our 2025 Euro Super 7 competition in regards to returning the summer tournament trophy. This will be delivered to the 2025 Euro Super 7 winner before they are contacted at the conclusion of the 2026 competition.

10 Stewards Enquiries

If you have any stewards enquiries relating to any competition results and table placings throughout the season, you must submit them, from your registered email address, to with the words FAO PG8 Stewards in the title. Daniel Prescott and PG8 will review your enquiry within a month and ensure all enquiries are reviewed prior to confirming final table places. This may be a shorter time frame if a result is required to progress to the next stage of a competition within a month.

11 Cup Competition Rules

We will remind players of cup competition rules prior to the required sub-link deadline in the event where they are any different from those listed above.

12 League and Cup Table Orders

Each week, players are awarded 1 point for each correct game prediction, out of 8 predictions.

League, Cup and Summer Tournament Qualifying tables are ordered by the following criteria...

1) Most points.

2) Most home wins predicted.

3) Most away wins predicted.

4) Most draws predicted.

5) First to acquire points.

Note if in same week, the player who acquired point from the earliest match.

6) Fewest non-submissions.

7) Head to Head - first to acquire a home win.

8) Head to Head - first to acquire an away win.

9) Head to Head - first to acquire a draw.

10) Play Off Match - but only in the event where there is a trophy or prize at stake.

(For cup competitions, 1 through to 9 applies, then the result is determined by the drawn team)

13 Card System

A yellow card will be issued if a player does not complete and submit a sub-link for 3 weeks in a row.

A red card is awarded when a player does not complete and submit a sub-link for a further 3 weeks in a row following the first yellow card offence. A red card will result in a 10 points deduction penalty for whichever competition in which they picked up the offence.

A blue card is issued when a player requests a break via where they must specify how many weeks they would like to break for. This is a chance for players to have a long rest if needed without incurring card penalties.

14 Promotion beyond and associated web site and social platform media

Whilst PG8 will ensure all player data, typically email addresses and phone numbers where applicable are kept secure to comply with GDPR rules or appropriate rules in your country, from time to time PG8 will run promotions and marketing which may feature player media including profile photos, pictures with trophies etc etc. Players may also be referenced in media and promotional written, audio or video articles in name.

All players when competing in this game, consent to such promotion, but can opt out by emailing their preferred wishes to

We understand players may have privacy concerns in regards to such promotion, so if they wish to, can use an alias name under which they compete. Our preference is that when applicable, they use their real name in the event they win a trophy. We may limit the use of alias names and team names which are considered rude or offensive. For example VAR-ginas is fine. An expletive, obscene, profane, vulgar, or curse version of this word and all other words considered in-appropriate are not. If we consider names rude, we'll substitute as required.

When choosing names we ask players consider and respect the feelings of others. There is no room for dis-respect here. Lets Kick it Out!

15 Any Other Business

If you feel there's anything we've missed in these rules please email

You can also ask a question on our home page here.